Thursday, 28 February 2008

Vibrating Alarm Ring: Wake Up Without Sound

Designed by Meng Fandi, the Ring is a vibrating alarm made for people who don't like the loud blaring sounds of a typical alarm (isn't that everyone?). You set the Ring alarm set up via its charging cradle and fit the Ring over the tip of your finger. When it's your chosen time the Ring vibrates until it is put back on the dock.

While it's only a concept at this point, the idea seems faultless when it comes to couples waking up at different times and for those of us who have grown to hate the sound of our alarm clocks. I initially wondered whether the Ring would zap your partner in the night if you tried to cuddle, but apparently, the vibration is "discrete" so you won't feel like you're being electrocuted. It would also work well for hearing impaired persons.

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